Staff Bios » Ms. Justine Bloch

Ms. Justine Bloch

Ms. Bloch, Library Coordinator

My name is Justine Bloch and I am looking forward to working part time in the library along with Ms. Vaishnaw. I love to read and spend time with kids so the library is a perfect fit for me. I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Vermont and then went on to get a Masters of social work from Boston University. I live in Arlington and have 3 children of my own all of whom are or were Bishop Bears. I have a 15 year old Sophomore in High School, an 8th grader at the Ottoson Middle School and a current 5th grader still here at Bishop. I have been involved in many volunteer activities at the Bishop including spending time in the library and helping to chair the committee dedicated to rebuilding our “new” playground with the wonderful Spaceball! I love to spend time with my family, exercise, garden and of course, read. I am really looking forward being a part of the Bishop community as a librarian!

– Justine Bloch