Bus Schedule
Bus Information
If you live south of Mass. Ave. you are eligible to take the Bishop bus. Approximately 65 Bishop families take the bus.
The bus is an optional service offered to our students to avoid children crossing Mass. Ave. The rate for this service is $350 per child/school year, maximum $480 per family/school year. If you elect to participate, your fee will cover round trip service from the bus stop nearest your home, or if you prefer, afternoon service to the Arlington Children’s Center or the Boys and Girls Club.
After school transport is also offered to families residing outside the Bishop Busing District on a space available and first come, first served basis.
Bishop School Bus ApplicationIf you are interested in having your child ride the bus, fill out the application and submit with payment no later than the first week of August. After your application is processed, a bus pass and a list of stops and times will be sent home over the summer as the bus list is organized.
Bishop School District Bus Stop Map >
Shows which bus stops are closest to your home.
Schedule for morning pick up times and afternoon drop off times. There is one bus that does two loops in both the morning and afternoon. Therefore you’ll notice that students are divided into two groups: either ‘Bus 1″ (Red Bus Pass) or ‘Bus 2″ (Blue Bus Pass). Every two years the two bus loops swap the early and late bus schedule.
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Steve Angelo, Transportation Director at 781-316-3503 or visit the transportation website.